Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone 2021

It is near 1am on Tuesday, and I am telling myself to go back to sleep, you're tired so go to sleep.  But, I can't turn my mind off, and I can't spiritually be still, because God has been so good to me. The praise He is so worthy of, spills over in my heart. My love of God, my Savior Jesus tastes like sugar in my mouth. The more I think about Him and my past journeys with Him, the sweeter is the taste. No wonder the writer wrote, (Psalm 34:8) Taste and see that the Lord is good. It is true, start praising His name and thanking Him for what you know He saved you from and how He brought you thus far. I'm writing this now because my gratitude is like a "fire shut up in my bones". 

Once a Mother of a church I attended, while casually talking to me, said,  "Sister, the Lord don't put it where you can't tell it". I smile now when I remember this conversation, so wise she was. That's part of our walk with God, to tell of our victories and how we got over, with Him alone.

I'm not presenting a new song to you today, though I certainly could. Rather, I am referring you to 2 songs, already posted, for you to hear. To my older readers, please review, The Promise and/or Come Sup With Me. For my new friends, listen to these two songs, so apropos for this season. 

As we look back on this year, we have witness much pain and suffering, along with others who have gained much and prospered. Like Paul in Philippines 4:12,  we have learned to "abound'' and "abase". AND, to still trust God through it all. Those who can give, should give freely, lovingly and with compassion. Those who need, seek assistance. God has not left you alone, you're plight, might even be a test for those who can do, so do well. When giving, let your smile be your only thank you. If in deed, there is a thank you at all. 

Looking at the newspapers, the tv, etc., we see the sacrifice of Jesus' blood was the only blessing that God could give to the world, that would be able to save the world. At this time dear God, thank You for throwing Your cloak of salvation over Your children, thank You for Your love, and the story of Your Love, "The Bible". Thank You for allowing me to call Your holy name and not be struck down for daring to approach Your Throne. Thank you for that piece of You in me, that loves to sing and pray, and cry aloud for the joy of Your Presence. Thank you for this past year, and how You guided my steps and saw my needs without me having to ask or knowing I should ask. So so much, to thank You for, my family, my country(1Timothy 2:1-2), our democracy. Freedom of religion and all that's good, and all those working for God's good things, in God's will. 

Dear Father, thank you for my daily bread and a good night's sleep, Amen.