Friday, August 20, 2021

Think It Over 'Fore You Do

 What kind of thinking can change, I do to I don't! What kind of thinking can change, Oh, I will, to no! I won't. What kind of thinking would change boys playing with balls, to men fighting with bats, worse still with guns that shoot and maim, with no care or thought. No thought that there is a tomorrow of remorse, or regret. So what if the neighbors are having a party, and it is too loud for you to rest or sleep. You ought to congratulate them for doing something nice. My goodness! buy them a cake and a bottle of wine,  leave it at the door, with a note that is kind, that says, may you have many more...signed, from your neighbor next door. Be part of the pleasure of happy endeavors, give others a chance to be happy-timers, instead of crime head-liners. It must be a very fragile mind set and thinking without structure, to so quickly fly off base and hurt another. 

This song was written years ago when I was working the night shift. With the kids off to school, I had another cup of coffee, and the morning paper in hand. The paper blasted, what seem to be the same news as yesterday, young people in gangs in trouble of all kinds, missing their opportunities, ruining their young lives and spoiling their futures. Having 4 kids, I couldn't help but focus on what the future held for my own children. No matter what the parent does for the child, at one point in time, the child has to pull the reins on his own life directions. Hopefully, God is in his thinking.

Paul the Apostle wrote to the Christians in Philippi, and in his letter, he told them what to think. There are no questions about this verse. How clear. He says..."Think true, honest, just, pure, lovely, of good report, any virtue, any praise, think on those things (Philippians 4:8). 

How many people today would unravel time, to undo a mean word to a loved one, a nasty remark to an official, a demeaning word to a child, and on and on. I read a sermon by very wise minister. He said, an argument is like a feather pillow fight. After the fight, trying to gather up all of the feathers, is a near impossible task, there will always be a few feathers hidden behind some place, in a couch, under a dresser, in a corner, etc. In the future, regardless of when a feather is found, it is bound to make the memory of the fight and the pain come to surface. 

Think It Over 'Fore You Do, is a relationship song. Everyone should be aware of it's meaning. Some  unnecessary breakups, hurt feelings, broken homes, sadden friendships, could be avoided just by thinking first, before you do.

I thought the words important enough to match it with a melody,  to catch your ears. I persuaded my daughter to sing it with me, with my one finger accompaniment. For me to sing must impress you about how much I want you to hear this song. I do it for you my loves, Bye.